The first show of the new Broadway season is the first-ever revival of a modern American classic. And as Time Out New York hails, “Welcome back, Home. You’ve been missed!”
This powerfully uplifting adventure by the late Samm-Art Williams and staged by Kenny Leon (“Broadway’s most essential director,” says The Chicago Tribune), is “beautiful, moving, and very funny (The Daily Beast).
Three actors “deliver astronomical performances” (Amsterdam News), portraying over 40 characters and capturing Broadway’s heart and soul, as they take you on a 90-minute journey with a North Carolina farmer who travels to the city and back, holding true to his faith, his spirit, and his long-lost love. “Home’s return is nothing short of a cause for celebration,” says the New York Sun.
"Welcome Back, HOME. You've been missed." -Time Out New York
“A lovely and richly poetic play. Home is emblematic of what so many of us seek from time at the theater” Chicago Tribune
“A top-notch production that serves as a fitting and heartfelt tribute to the author.” - Deadline
“Home” is opening at a chaotic time of year, filled with Tony Award parties and costly competitions for attention. I hope this unpretentiously and gently staged story of Cephus’ quest doesn’t get lost in the noise; it’s emblematic of what so many of us seek from time at the theater.
But do not fear. This is not the kind of play to abandon you in a dark alley, even if Cephus’s distaste for city life is the most compelling and counterintuitive part of the story. Plot machinations that you will see coming at quite some distance deliver a happy ending and may even elicit a few nonconsensual tears. No matter: They cleanse the soul just the same. Williams, who died a few days before this revival’s first preview, seems to have been willing to go anywhere to free his hero from despair as a way of freeing the rest of us, too.
1970 | Broadway |
Broadway |
2024 | Broadway |
Original Broadway Production Broadway |