A musical revue show featuring father and daughter, Adrian and Emma-Jean’s trademark mix of light classical, musical theatre & pop hits that explores how the duo’s music struck a chord with audiences worldwide. The show looks at the importance of human connection and how during a global pandemic, a father and daughter from Johannesburg, South Africa used their unique musical talent to connect with people from different countries and cultures in an unexpected and heartwarming way. Both familiar and unexpected musical arrangements are woven together with personal insights on the role music plays in the duo’s relationship as well as their relationships with family, friends, and fans around the world. Striking a Chord features some of the duo’s most popular cover hits, such as The Prayer, Sound of Silence, and Time to Say Goodbye as well as some new material such as Amigos Para Siempre, Everything and Angel. The show combines the duos quirky humour with some more sober reflection, alongside their trademark close harmonies and is suitable for all ages. Written and directed by Kirsty Galliard with musical arrangements by Neil Bennett.