Multi award-winning comedy trio Sleeping Trees are returning with another festive mash up, this year taking JM Barrie’s beloved boy who would not grow up, adding 20 years and 50 pounds, and sending him to the depths of the Labyrinth with just a Faun to help him. In this alternative adult comedy where stardust meets fairy-dust, Sleeping Trees create a show full of fast-paced storytelling, a cult soundtrack, surreal character comedy and a party atmosphere. Sleeping Trees are transforming Waterloo's underground into a sinister and occasionally seductive realm inhabited by characters from Peter Pan, Labyrinth & Pan’s Labyrinth. Expect that Hands for Eyes character, a slug named Wendy and the maze master himself, David Bowie, played by drag artist extraordinaire Dan Wye (aka Seayonce). This alternative Christmas treat follows their previous mash ups Goldilocks and the Three Musketeers and Scrooge and the Seven Dwarves. After time finally (and literally) caught up with him, Peter Pan left Neverland, and with it, left behind the lost boys, Tinkerbell, and his youth. It’s now 2022 and Peter smokes, drinks, and lives off a diet of creamed Possum (look it up) and Bovril. Not wanting to go to Tink’s wedding looking like the target of a Huel advert, Peter goes in search of a solution to his ever-expanding gut and aggressive acid reflux. If rumours are to be believed, there is only one man with powers strong enough to restore him to his former glory, David Bowie, who lives at the centre of the labyrinth.