Join The Old Rep Theatre for something magical this Christmas as Peter Pan The Musical flies into Birmingham. This musical adventure follows the Darling children, Wendy, John, and little Michael as they embark on a voyage to Neverland with Peter Pan. Here they encounter a host of surprises from fantastical fairies and a carnivorous crocodile to a pack of pugnacious pirates led by the infamous Captain Hook himself! Watch as Wendy and her brothers navigate the skies, flying over oceans to the enchanting world of eternal youth. Indulge in nostalgia as you join Peter Pan and his band of mischievous Lost Boys on a journey that will whisk you away and remind you of what it is to be a child again. This swashbuckling production promises to be packed with captivating costumes, spectacular songs, creative choreography, and fantastic flying sequences. Peter Pan The Musical will be an unforgettable theatrical extravaganza making it an unmissable family treat this festive season. Book, Music & Lyrics by Piers Chater Robinson.
Based on the novel by J.M. Barrie.
A Production by Arrangement with International Theatre and Music Limited.