The Freshman, featuring Harold Lloyd in the role of the endearing underdog Harold Lamb, tells the story of a naive college freshman eager to gain popularity by joining the football team. Embracing the nickname “Speedy,” he emulates his favorite film hero but becomes the subject of ridicule as his attempts to fit in lead to uproarious mishaps, including a memorable dance scene where his tuxedo falls apart. Ultimately, through perseverance and genuine spirit, he earns the respect he desires. This classic 1925 silent film highlights the blend of physical comedy and charm that defined Lloyd’s celebrated work.
The Gold Rush (1/27/25-1/27/25)
HAMILTON (2/4/25-3/2/25)
The Last Laugh (4/28/25-4/28/25)
Kimberly Akimbo (1/7/25-1/12/25)
The Phantom of the Opera (10/28/24-10/28/24)
Bailadores de Bronce (10/25/24-10/25/24)
Black Violin – BV20: THEN & NOW (10/8/24-10/8/24)
Scott Silven "The Journey" (12/15/20-12/20/20)
Taylor Mac Holiday Sauce... Pandemic! (12/12/20-12/12/20)
Jazz at Lincoln Center Presents The Democracy! Suite (12/4/20-12/4/20)
Mames Babegenush - Streaming Show! (12/3/20-12/3/20)
The Hip Hop Nutcracker featuring Kurtis Blow - Streaming Show! (12/2/20-12/2/20)
Global Party: Virtual Celebration (11/13/20-11/13/20)
Little Red Riding Hood (and The Power Mutants)
The Spartan Theatre (2/28 - 3/2) | ||
Dial M for Murder
Village Theatre (3/1 - 3/23) | ||
Hamilton (Philip Company)
Paramount Theatre (2/4 - 3/2) | ||
Tacoma Little Theatre (6/6 - 6/29) | ||
First Interstate Center for the Arts(Formally INB Performing Arts Center) (7/8 - 7/13) | ||
The Book of Mormon (Non-Equity)
First Interstate Center for the Arts(Formally INB Performing Arts Center) (6/4 - 6/7) | ||
Rip! A Winkle in Time
Global Works (1/9 - 2/8) | ||
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