Grand Horizons by Bess Wohl is a heartwarming and hilarious exploration of love and marriage set in a retirement community, where a 50-year-married couple's decision to divorce sends shockwaves through their family, leading to uproarious chaos and unexpected revelations that resonate with audiences of all ages. Of all the titles we wear—teacher, wife, mother, the funny one—it is infrequent that one or all encompass our being. Any role that we put ourselves into, or feel put into, can diminish our sense of self, shallowing the depth of each person’s humanity. A long time of playing your role, and things may become automatic, erased, unrecognizable. Grand Horizons’ Nancy French seeks justice, dignity, and respect to be seen beyond a role— a woman with desires, secrets and dreams. The play asks us to consider what happens when you step outside of your role in a family? Can you be in a family and still be yourself, or do you always have to sacrifice some part of your identity and freedom? Grand Horizons was nominated for Best Play at the 2020 Tony Awards. This is the second regional premiere of Wohl’s that Honest Pint has produced.
Honest Pint Theatre Co. is at 3027 Barrow Drive, Raleigh, NC 27616, Raleigh, NC.
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