“Twist" is based on Chris Lemmon's book "A Twist of Lemmon" which tells the story of a beloved Hollywood icon, his dad, Jack Lemmon. Jack starred in over 60 films, was nominated for 8 Academy Awards and won 2 Oscars. One for "Mister Roberts" for Best Supporting Actor and the other for "Save the Tiger" for Best Actor.
Chris Lemmon tells his dad's story in his father's voice and within a few minutes you'd swear it was Jack on stage. The voice and physical resemblance are eerie! He chronicles his life from his birth until his death in 2001 at the age of 76. Chris has you crying and laughing with his dad's stories about his relationships both on and off the screen with producers, directors and legends like James Cagney, Gregory Peck, Marilyn Monroe and of course his best friend Walter Matthau.
Chris is an exceptional performer, actor and a classically trained musician. With a career spanning over 30 years Chris has starred in over 25 feature films including "Just the Ticket", "Lena's Holiday" and "That's Life." He's starred in television series on all the major networks including "Knots Landing" {CBS}, "Studio 59" {ABC}, "Brother & Sisters" {NBC} and Fox's situation comedy, "Duet."
Legally Blonde The Musical
Starlight Community Theater (1/10 - 1/26) | ||
Comic Concert
Combs Performing Arts Center (5/9 - 5/9) | ||
THE MEMORY OF WATER by Shelagh Stephenson
Theatre Artists Studio (5/2 - 5/18) | ||
The Monkey and the Pirate
Great Arizona Puppet Theater (2/27 - 3/9) | ||
NEW SUMMER SHORTS by Studio Playwrights
Theatre Artists Studio (6/6 - 6/22) | ||
Ballet Arizona Presents U.S. Premiere of Frida
Symphony Hall (2/13 - 2/16) | ||
The Tempest
Arizona Theatre Matters (10/5 - 12/31) | ||
Toby-Tribute to Toby Keith
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