San Pedro Theater Club
Sat. July 13 - 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Sun. July 14 – 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Stephanie (F 30-40) - Mother who is glad to get out of the house, always pregnant.
Donna (F 30-40) – Loud and brassy. Married rich several times, always divorced.
Joyce: (F 30-40) - Conservative school teacher dealing with cancer.
Holly: (F 30-40) - Borderline manic-depressive, sometimes medicated.
Christa: (F 20’s) – Ghost who sings.
Seymour: (M 30’s) - African American Male, bartender at a karaoke bar. Looks like a handsome bad boy but a gentleman at heart.
All characters must have a strong pop voice.
Please come to the auditions prepared with headshot and resume. Script sides and music will be provided at the auditions. Be prepared to learn a short dance routine. No advance appointment required. Rehearsal schedule will be posted in the lobby during the audition period, so please bring your calendar to list scheduling conflicts.
San Pedro Theatre Club
624 S. Pacific Ave.
San Pedro, CA 90731
Performances Aug. 1st – Aug 24th