Audition Notice: Fox Valley Rep's production of Making God Laugh Monday, August 12, 2013
Fox Valley Repertory will be holding auditions for its production of Making God Laugh, on Monday, August 12, 2013 from 12:30 - 5 p.m. The audition will take place at Fox Valley Repertory, 4051 East Main Street in St. Charles, IL 60174, located about an hour and fifteen minutes west of Chicago. An appointment is required to audition. All roles are available and paid.
The production, Making God Laugh, written by Sean Grennan and directed by John Gawlik, follows the journey of two empty-nesters as they welcome their three grown children home for the holidays - a priest, an aspiring actress, and a former star athlete. Over the course of three decades, not only do their hairstyles change, but their life adventures continue to evolve - dreams are crushed, relationships develop, unresolved issues surface, and yet old family traditions remain.
Characters include Ruthie and Jimmy, the empty-nesters and parents of Richard, Maddie, and Thomas. Richard is the eldest son, a one-time football hero and misses the spotlight. Maddie is the only daughter and second eldest who is the only one to move away from her hometown to New York to pursue her dream as an aspiring actress. She has a difficult relationship with her mother. Thomas is the baby of the family who is a devoutly religious man who is studying for priesthood and like everyone else, has his life turn out differently than he planned.
Audition requirements: Ruthie - 50's Jimmy - 50's
Richard - late 20's/early 30's Maddie - late 20's/early 30's Thomas - late 20's/early 30's
To be considered for an audition, please submit headshot and resume to
Those cast in the production must be prepared for rehearsals to begin on October 21 and will go through November 3, 2013. Tech and final dress rehearsal will occur on November 5 and 6, 2013. Previews will be from November 7 - 15, and the show will runNovember 16 to December 29, 2013.
Fox Valley Repertory (FVR) is a not-for-profit performing arts company based in St. Charles, IL dedicated to entertaining, enriching, and educating lives in the Fox Valley Area. As the largest, professional arts organization in the area, FVR strives to present outstanding productions that allow audiences to laugh, reflect, and reconnect to moments in their lives. For more information, visit |