Looking for male interns who can dance!!!
Thunder Bay Theatre is a small professional theatre in northern Michigan. We hire a handful of paid actor/techs who work with community talent to produce quality shows in a short amount of time. We run 3 stock seasons a year: Summer, Fall and Spring.
Summer Season 2014:
High School Musical
Start date: May 27
End date: August 17
Pay: 100/week + free housing
Please submit head-shot, resume, and a video link to a Youtube video of you performing a one minute comic or dramatic monologue, and 16 bars of an up-tempo song. Please explain any dance experience you have, and include a dance video if you have one. Also outline any other theatre tech experience you might have in props, costumes, set, lights or sound.
Send all material to Kevin Reams at artisticdirector@thunderbaytheatre.com