Buddy Drew -- the Musical send resume headshots and mp3 to info@maxamgroup.org
Seeking black actors with strong voices to fill principal and chorus roles. Also need actors of all races for principal and chorus parts.
YOUNG BUDDY DREW: Young black male (13-19)Good looking, charismatic, getting street smart and cocky
OLD BUDDY DREW: Black male. Good looking, charismatic, educated and street smart, cocky but with a soft side
LAURIE: Black female. Drew's beautiful wife. Sophisticated and smart.
BUNDINI BROWN: Black male. Buddy's Father, equally as good looking, charismatic, street smart
RHODA PALESTINE: White female. Buddy's Jewish mother. Sexy, beautiful and little off beat yet sophisticated in her own way
MILDRED PALESTINE: White female. Buddy's Jewish grandmother, tough and loveable.
POPPA JACK PALESTINE: White male, Buddy's Jewish grandfather. Very smart, kind and gentle.
"THE CHAMP": Black Male -- Boxer
ENSEMBLE: Buddy's Relatives & Friends, An eccentric collection of real life people.