BPF Season XXXII General Auditions to be held
April 14, 2013
General Auditions for the Baltimore Playwrights Festival's (
www.baltplayfest.org) Season XXXII summer productions will be held at The Vagabond Players (
www.vagabondplayers.org), 806 South Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231, on Sunday, April 14th, 2013, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Those auditioning should come prepared with a memorized two-minute monologue, and should bring six copies of their headshot and resume. Auditioners will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis.
During the past thirty-two years, The Baltimore Playwrights Festival has presented over 282 productions by 173 playwrights at 27 different theaters. The BPF nurtures the talents of Maryland and DC playwrights through public readings, discussions, critiques and workshopping of new plays. Participating local theaters offer productions of several of the submitted scripts during their summer season. Further information can be found on the BPF website,
Baltimore Playwrights Festival