In the early 1990s, two teenage boys mysteriously go missing from a small town in upstate New York. Their bodies are never found. Twenty years later, Noah and Wyatt, two 16 year olds living in the suburbs of Montreal, attend a screening of a brutally graphic horror film, Blood Screams, based on these supposedly true events. Becoming obsessed with the movie, Noah and Wyatt decide to make a pilgrimage to the site where the actual murders took place to uncover the truth behind the myth.
Horror Story explores the limits of fantasy and the numbing effects of graphic violence on a generation, the blurry line between truth and fiction, and what truly scares us.
Strawberries in January - A Musical Fantasy
Centaur Theatre (1/21 - 2/9) | ||
Théâtre Plaza (1/25 - 2/1) | ||
TINA - The Tina Turner Musical
Place des Arts (2/4 - 2/9) | ||
The Cost of Living
The Sky is the Limit Theatre (1/16 - 2/2) | ||
The Secret Chord: A Leonard Cohen Experience
Segal Centre for Performing Arts (12/8 - 1/12) | ||
Paul and Linda Plan a Threesome
Segal Centre for Performing Arts (1/20 - 1/26) | ||
Mean Girls
Place des Arts (4/22 - 4/27) | ||
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